God is moving in some amazing ways with Solomon and it looks like he will be coming HOME in just a few months! Hopefully the next time we take our family picture, he will be in it!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
La Familia '09
Posted by Ellie at 12:49 PM 6 comments
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am so incredibly thankful for Jesus and His love. He is so good to me. I am so thankful for everything He has done in mine and my family's lives and I can't wait to see where He takes us in this next year of life! I am also SO thankful that we have had our Ethiopian babies for two years this Thanksgiving! They are treasures from heaven.
..From Solomon:
Hello Ellie,
How are you doing today? I am doing very well. I would like to say happy Thanksgiving Day. How God is awesome. You are the special gift I got from him. I pray for you to safe and bless you forever. You are a good young sister for me. I pray for you God to give you potential that help you to help more orphans and to fulfill your heart’s desire. Know that I love you and pray for you every day. You have a great place in my heart. I am proud what you are doing. God be with you my sweet sister.
Love your Brother Solomon Mestas!!!!!!!
We so hope that Solomon will be joining us for next years Thanksgiving celebration!
Posted by Ellie at 12:42 AM 3 comments
Sunday, November 22, 2009
There ya' have it folks...
Posted by Ellie at 11:22 PM 4 comments
The Advent Conspiracy
"Christmas can [still] change the world."
Let's remember what Christmas is really, truly about. It's about remembering and celebrating the ultimate gift that God has given us in His Son. God came to earth in the form of a baby on that beautiful silent night. He humbled himself as a little child and He came to save us, His enemies, even though we hated him. God sent His own perfect and holy son to take our punishment, even though we did nothing at all for him except grieve His heart. He sent His perfect son who's holiness was enough to cover up our wickedness and allow us to have a relationship with the God of the universe. That is some serious love that is worth celebrating. May we not become so busy and focused on the materialism that the world has come to associate with Christmas that we lose sight of what Christmas truly means for each and every one of us. Celebrate. (...good times c'mon.) http://www.adventconspiracy.org/Posted by Ellie at 2:11 AM 1 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009
"Find My Family"
A new show is coming to town and it's not gonna be as great as it looks. Read the following from Martha Osbourne of Rainbow Kids:
"In the most exploitive and disparaging-of-adoption media effort yet, ABC will air a sneak peak' of their new series Find My Family on Monday, November 23rd. With a sensationalized and soap-opera style, ABC will take viewers into the lives of adoptees and birth families in their Search to be reunited.With the tagline " Some people have spent their whole lives searching for the one thing that matters most... Their wish will now come true. Let's find your family, producers completely discount any worth of the adoptive families who have loved and raised these children. Instead the show emphasizes the loss of a child's Real family' as the one-and-only central issue of all adopted children's lives.
The entire premise of this show is upsetting on so many levels. I encourage every family of an adopted child to prepare mentally for the public reaction, and the reaction of their children who may find themselves the sudden center of assumptions about their needs, desires, and personal feelings on their adoption.
This new series is being heavily promoted on ABC. Created by the producer of Extreme Makeover, Find My Family is laden with emotional angst and tearful moments meant to increase ratings and viewership. Unfortunately, the general public's opinion and understanding of adoption is largely shaped by the media. ABC's exploitive new series will focus on the most extreme issues in adoption, and is sure to have an effect on how our children's teachers, extended family, and friends view and accept adoption.
For years, the adoptive community has sought to rectify the past vilification of birth-parents as people who gave away their children. Birth parents are now widely recognized as the First Parents of children, deserving of love, respect, and understanding. It is in no one's best interest to turn the tables and begin to portray adoptive families as second-class, or less-than' a family created biologically. This new series is a step back for everyone."
I pray that this show does not discourage families from stepping out to care for the orphan and love them the way Jesus calls us to. Adoption is God's idea and definitely not a "Plan B" family growing option. Both the birth parents and adoptive parents are extremely important in this plan of God's and neither should be looked down upon.
Posted by Ellie at 2:44 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wow. We take so much for granted. In our minds I think we become used to the fact that in Africa, they walk to get their water and it's not so clean. What if it was us though? Our neighbors that we are supposed to be loving as ourselves are dying because we are comfortable with our lives. We are neglecting our 1.1 billion neighbors who drink parasite infested water while we safely drink our extra purified bottled water. May we not ignore the lives of others for the sake of maintaining our lifestyles any longer. Watch the video and get involved. www.safewaternexus.org
Posted by Ellie at 3:04 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
Anddd...IT'S UP!
As of November 8th, Etaala's website has officially launched! ( a few things to add still but for the most part it's done!) Click here and check it out.
Posted by Ellie at 11:29 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Teaser. :)

Posted by Ellie at 2:26 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Story Time
I have a wee story to tell you. Speaking of the word "wee". There were quite a few people from Ireland at the camp that I went to this summer and they called me "Wee Girl." It was a little hilarious and I'm glad as Americans, we don't say "wee" on a regular basis.
Anyways. Here is a story about a girl and some boys. This girl was (most of the time) a kind and sweet hairdresser. She was getting ready to go to lunch one day when a mother walks in with three small boys needing a hair cut. She was most likely perturbed and hungry because she took out her wrath on the three little boys' hair. It looked similar to something that would result from Edward Scissor Hands closing his eyes and sneezing. Well, the mother was less than thrilled and repeatedly said over the next few days as she was extremely busy that she needed to fix the three boys' hair. Well, one small boy took matters in to his own hands and here are the results.

If he cocks his head just so...you can't really tell that the top of his head is mostly bald.Etaala's website is coming along marvelously well! I can't wait until I can share it with you all!
Posted by Ellie at 1:46 AM 3 comments
random moments of everyday goodness.
Kez sporting the Gangster look.
Uncles, Aunts, Nephews, Nieces galore.
Yogurt fu manchu's are the greatest.
Posted by Ellie at 1:26 AM 1 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Cutie Patooties.
This time 2 years ago these cute little boys were praying for their "vwuzzo and sistos in Eepee-opia" and now they are together forever. and Inseperable might I add.

Posted by Ellie at 11:06 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Fun, fun.
This is what we do when we are bored. Sooo...we're never really bored because this is quite fun. James had his ear tubes out today and they drugged him up pretty good. He came home a little dizzy and an hour or so later began to tell me all about his time at the hospital. "I got to color on the bed! And decorate my mask! (they let the kids decorate the sleeping gas masks after? creative.) And I watched Handy Manny!..... And I don't think they ever took my tubes out!!!!!! I don't think they did!!!!"
The medicine worked.
Posted by Ellie at 1:46 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Etaala International
Hello all 2 of my remaining faithful readers. I'm sorry that I fail at blogging. However, I have some exciting news to share with you both!
Ok, so I posted a while back about that camp I went to this summer with Precept Upon Precept Ministries. At this camp we studied The Sermon on the Mount in the Bible and there is a particular verse in there that really spoke to my heart over and over again as we were studying. It's Matthew 5:14-16 "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." This is talking about the gospel and how we as Christians are to share the good news of Jesus with others and not hide the light that cast the darkness out of our hearts to ourselves. Through out the week, I just keep thinking about that verse and wondering if I was keeping the light of truth to myself. I felt God impress upon my heart that I was in fact, hiding the light of truth to myself in a way. The truth of how much He loves orphans and wants people to reach out to them and just how much the orphan crisis breaks His heart. Sure I love my siblings and take missions trips and speak on occasion but what was I doing to spread that light for others to truly see it and know how to respond to it? I kept feeling like I needed to share this with young people especially. I have a passion for other young people to act and make a difference for orphans and follow after God's heart but I wasn't really doing a whole lot to make that happen. Welllll. God has called me to start a ministry. After much prayer, I emailed 5 friends about what God was calling me to do and within an hour, I had heard back from one friend that I actually met at this camp and he told me to check out his brother's website. I did. (click here to see it and then come back and finish reading.) Very Long story shortened slightly...I prayed for a while and then emailed the said brother who's name is Matt Chambers. I emailed him about the ministry ideas and asked if Safewater Nexus would be open to having a team of people come out and serve sometime within the next 2 years or so. Just so happens, he has a trip scheduled but not a whole lot done with it yet and he offers to let me bring a team of people next May to Uganda for two weeks. By the way. My mom is in Ethiopia through all of this so Elsa Mugyenzi (who is from Uganda) was staying with me to help me with the kids. I began to tell her all of this and she was a huge part of starting it. I felt like the ministry name should have something to do with "Light". Turns out, "Light" in Luganda is "Etaala" (Ehh-Tahl-Ah) so, "Etaala International" is underway! I'm working to get it certified as a non-profit organization and my cousin is building our website. God has been bringing people right at the time of need and He has been so faithful to open all the doors and hearts. My friend Rachel who traveled with me to China and Guatemala is my co-founder. God has been placing the same things on her heart for a while and has given her the same passion for orphan care and sharing the love of Christ with the hurting and she has been involved in this from the very beginning. The ministry is a youth run, youth focused organization that will work to get young people involved in orphan care through seeing first hand the need, serving in those areas and giving tools necessary to bring that home. It's not about going and serving once a year, it's about living out the call to care for the orphan, the widow and those in need in our lives here at home and shining the light of Christ for the world to see. I know for me, seeing the need and having beautiful faces and names to associate with the 143 million orphans made all the difference and gave me the passion to make a difference for them with my life. The world has such low expectations for teenagers and I believe that part of the reason God is doing all of this is to show people that He is raising up a new generation of people to follow after Him. Isaiah 1:17 does NOT say "Everyone over 18 learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed you who have your college degree. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow... but only you wealthy got-it-all-together people of course!" He calls us to defend the case of the fatherless and there are no age requirements in this command. He promises that if we are seeking Him first above all things, He will provide for our needs. I believe that He finds joy in using people who don't seem like the greatest pick to bring about His plan and show how great He is and how capable He is of doing incredible things. He used David, probably a middle schooler, to kill Goliath the giant. He used Moses, the one afraid to speak in public, to represent the Israelites and demand that the Pharaoh of Egypt, (the most powerful man in the world at the time) release them. There are countless stories of God doing miraculous things through extremely normal, sometimes even pathetic sounding people. Today, people expect teenagers to be irresponsible, facebook-a-holics who can not be separated from their ipods and survive longer than five minutes. I believe God has designed us for so much more. He is calling us to wake up to the reality that we were not made for this. We were created to glorify Him and one way that we can do that is through showing others what His love is like through serving without expecting anything in return. We are the next generation of leaders and it is our responsibility to act and ensure that the orphans in the world today are cared for and loved. We are to make sure that we are so in tune to God's heart, that in our generation there will be no orphan crisis. That we will love so well that when we see someone in need, we take responsibility and care for them as our own. Etaala International wants to change the world for orphans through changing hearts of young people in America and enabling them to make a difference. Please add me as a friend on facebook and join the Etaala International group to read a little more about it. Also, if you are interested in joining us on the Uganda trip, email me at etaalainternational@gmail.com . I'll post the link to the website (complete with trip applications) as soon as I have it. :) (Not to sound like a grammy winner or anything but..) I have been blessed with the greatest, most supportive group of family and friends that a girl could ask for. I have wonderful godly parents that support me and encourage me to follow after God's will for my life, even when it sounds slightly crazy. It would be so easy for them to tell me that these issues are too big and be more concerned for my personal safety than to send me to Africa. or China. or Guatemala. I believe deep down, they are terrified at times but they know God is bigger than any plan's of man. So, you...yea you. If your child has a heart for missions or orphans or serving God in a way that seems slightly crazy to the outside world, don't crush their dreams but encourage them to follow after God's heart and His will for them. They can make a difference. In the words of my friend Elsa "We have to lose our minds in order to take on God's mind." Quite frankly, most of the time when we take on God's mind and forsake our old ways of thinking, it appears we have lost our minds. And there is not another more rewarding state to be in than this. "We are too young to realize that such things are impossible so we will do them anyway." ---William Pitt (spoken about the abolition of the slave trade in the film Amazing Grace) Love.Posted by Ellie at 9:59 PM 8 comments
Monday, August 31, 2009
A sneek peek into our week.
The Littles have been angels. The girls are more of the type of angels that hit each other occasionally and sometimes bite and sometimes take off their diapers at nap and have an obsession with flushing the toilets and washing their hands every five minutes... but overall, angels would be a good word. :) If you've ever the met the girls, you know they are 100% full of energy and too smart for their own good. The only thing is they are so fast and so busy and they move in the opposite direction. They are incredible and I love them with all of my heart but they can be difficult at times.
It's almost like God has given them a heavenly dose of benadryl this week, not even kidding. They have been so much fun and so well behaved. Thank you Jesus. :) God has been so good. Everything has gone so smoothly and everyone has had wonderful attitudes and loving hearts. I so appreciate everyone's offers to help but we have been surviving quite comfortably!! More than surviving, we've been living quite comfortably. Elsa is a Godsend. I love her. Today we had a case of a popcorn kernel up a nostril. We almost had an experiment on whether corn stalks could grow in sinuses but luckily we handled it before the situation was too far gone. or up. or...yea. I have pulled three loose teeth in the past two days leaving two little boys with no front teeth. It's precious. Two years of speech therapy has gone out the window, lisps are inevitable. Ever wonder if the whole "tie a piece of string around your tooth and then tie the other end to a door knob and shut the door" method works? It does. We really are documenting everything I just haven't had any time at all to compile our videos together yet! They are coming soon I promise. :) Pictures from Marbles Kids museum (my fave place in NC pretty much), the park, frog catching etc.

Posted by Ellie at 10:46 PM 5 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
To Him who does immeasurably more than we could ask or even imagine.
Immeasurably. im·measur·a·bly : to an immeasurable degree; beyond measurement; without bounds.
Posted by Ellie at 11:07 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 22, 2009
And She's Off!!
Mom just called from D.C.! Her plane is boarding and she is officially on her way back to Ethiopia!!! AHHHHH!! :)
Today our neighbor came over to play for a while and Jeremiah sees him at the door, rushes to open it and quickly told him that Mom had just left on an airplane to go to Ethiopia to see Solomon and he was beyond excited to tell him. Next he told him all about Malaria and the need for mosquito nets in Africa. (We talked about Malaria recently and our sweet boys excitedly volunteered to give their tooth fairy money to buy mosquito nets and they bought about 25 nets!!) Well, our sweet little neighbor child had no clue what Jer was saying and had a look on his face that said "I just asked if you could come outside..." After playing outside for a while, (we shall call him "Bob") "Bob" breaks out his gameboy and is sitting by himself for a while just playing away. James then walks over and says "Do you know video games make you lazy and turn your brain to mush?" Blunt much, James? :) We love our neighbor, he mostly seems like he loves us too. Most of the time. My boys bring joy to my soul.Posted by Ellie at 7:35 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 21, 2009
Sweet 16!!!
Yes, yes it's true. I'm now 16.
I gave 3 of my very good friends (and their moms, who happen to be my mom's very good friends which worked out nicely.:) a packing list and a time frame of when I was going to kidnap them. I banged on their back doors dressed like a disturbed madwoman who had a secret desire to be a ninja, and then we drove for four hours up to the Asheville, NC to spend the weekend at the Biltmore Estate! We had soo much fun and I don't think we ever stopped laughing.

Posted by Ellie at 1:29 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
If you like it then you better put a ring on it... or a comment.
Ok, so we are contemplating video journaling every waking moment (or just a few waking moments) of our time without mom as she is leaving for Africa next Saturday!!! I am forcing her to video EVER-EE-THANG because I especially wish I could see Solomon's face when he sees her but I also want to see my favorite place in the world which I miss dearly. And I'm also insanely excited about a lot of things she will be doing.
So I am thinking maybe, maybe... we should do the same. It might not be pretty. Most likely there will be a lot of hilariousness with a hint of crazy and insanity on the side. Maybe too much for you to handle. But if you want to see the madness that will go on, then you better comment. I need at least 5 comments, maybe 12. I don't care if you don't know me. Comment. You can even comment more than once. I don't care. We will be interviewing The Littles (who are quite hilarious as it is) and also letting you glimpse a week of life in a rather child-infested home without mom here. AND we will give updates on Mom as we hear from her. Don't hold back, don't be nervous. Comment.
Posted by Ellie at 9:13 PM 16 comments
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Pondering My Wanderings. Part Uno.
Posted by Ellie at 12:40 AM 4 comments
Monday, August 3, 2009
Guatemala 2009
Scroll down to bottom of page and pause music player. :)
Posted by Ellie at 1:45 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
The Littles' quotes of the week...
- James sits down and plays random notes very seriously on the piano for about 3 minutes and stands up when he finishes, proclaiming "I like to call that..."Hibernating 'aminals' "
- Keren was holding a Cinderella school folder in Wal-Mart, opening and closing it when suddenly the corner pokes her in the eye and she yells "Owwwwww...T-Rella( cinderella) in mine "Oyyyy"(eye)!!"
- Jeremiah walks into the bathroom at our pool, shivers and says "UMM, POLAR BEARS could live in here."

- I ask the boys to go up and get ready for bed...they quickly come back with..
- Our pool that we are members of has a lazy river and the other day, it was starting to get a little crowded. Josiah sees this, shakes his head and says..."Mom, just look at all those lazy people."
- Jeremiah, James and I were playing a memory game and as Jeremiah is winning, he chuckles and says "I wundo how God made me so smart..."
- Jeremiah told me a story about an ant the other day that was walking through our house with a chip on his back and according to Jer, the ant was teasing the other ants saying "Ha, ha I have a chip and you don't! I have a chip...ha..ha." and then Jer says..." So then I squished him!! and he said "ohhh..i guess I can't tease anymore!"

- Keren's trademark term is "Aww!! How T-yoot!!!" which translated means, "How Cute." and she says it about babies and little cute animals or baby anything's. Its her favorite thing to say. She can't say it with out shrugging her shoulders up, squinting her eyes and clasping her hands. It's precious.
They really don't like bees and wasps. They were talking with mom about the ones on the flowers and were talking about killing them before they could sting them. Mom: "No, we don't need to kill them, we need to leave them alone. They are doing the job that God gave them to do, we need to leave them alone and they won't hurt us." James: "Yea, just like the Bible says..." We need to love our enemies." " The bees, being our enemies in this case. :) These kids are precious and hysterical and I love them more than water and chocolate and cucumbers and hammocks and the beach and all of my favorite things here on earth. They are my favorites.
- The boys are observing the bees in their beloved sunflower garden:

Posted by Ellie at 11:06 PM 5 comments
Boot Camp '09
I just got back from Boot Camp. I am joining the Army. HA. Big joke. Several people fell for it but yea, umm I'm a little girly for the military. I just got back from BIBLE Boot Camp in Chattanooga, TN with Precept Upon Precept Ministries. If you have never heard of Precepts, I HIGHLY recommend you check them out. They use the "Inductive method" of studying the Bible, where you basically take a passage and dissect it to get the full meaning of what the text means. It is AMAZING. My family and I joined a Precepts Bible Study group in our area about 2 or 3 years ago and love it. They really teach you how to study the Bible on your own.
Anyway, I just spent an amazing, life changing week in Tennessee at their boot camp. It is a week long camp where you study God's word in-depth, see God in new ways and meet incredible people. We were studying the sermon on the mount in Matthew, Chapters 5-7 and it was incredible. God showed me so many things through His word that I never saw just by reading over the passages we studied for a week and I still feel like there is so much more we could have studied in those chapters than we actually covered. Boot Camp is soooo much fun and altogether awesome. If you are in high-school, I want to strongly, strongly urge you to come to boot camp next year. It will change your life. They are having a conference in December that looks amazing and it is basically a mini boot camp. I don't know if I am going to that yet but I am reallllly hoping to be back at boot camp next summer. Seriously. It is so important that we know what we believe and not just what people tell us is true about God. The statistics of how many young people walk away from what they believe in college is staggering and all together heart breaking. It is SO important that we know truth for ourselves and are ready to make a defense for our faith and the only way to do that is to know God's word and what He says about Himself. Precepts is incredible and they have a passion to train young people to know God's word and I really hope that you will get involved with Precepts in your area! Please email me if you have any questions about them or how to get involved! elliemestas@gmail.com or just add me on facebook! :)Posted by Ellie at 10:39 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Jesus loves me this I know.
Alex is amazing. He called me "Ellie!!! Mi Amiga!!!" and would run and hug me every time we saw each other. He came up to me one day and whispered in my ear "Camorones sin colas" with a lisp...so it came out..."Camaroneth theen colah-thh." It means...shrimp with out tails. I have no idea what he meant by it but was pretty darn cute.
Posted by Ellie at 11:00 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
He's Got the Whole World in His Hands.
"As I held Your hand today, You took my heart and You said..."This is where I Am. I've been here all along." Now that I've held You, my heart is broken, but it's awake. Break my heart of stone and let me feel what makes You hurt. Break my pride, awaken me, open up my eyes. Show me how You see the world, I don't want to be the same."
"...I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."--Jesus Matt. 25:40
Posted by Ellie at 8:13 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Guatemala is amazing. I just spent a week with the most amazing team, working with the most amazing kids at the most amazing children's home in the world. The culture is like none other and the food....oh the amazing food. So needless to say it was amazing. I learned SO much and Guatemala and the kids I met there will forever be in my heart. I saw God in a whole new way and learned more about Love than I knew there was to learn. I'm hoping to be able to post more about the actual trip when I get back from TN next week.

Posted by Ellie at 5:53 PM 1 comments