I am in China and we are doing awesome. We went to the great wall today which was a beastly/painful climb but it was sooooo worth it once you get to the top. We actually 'tobogganed' down from the great wall. It was like this little car/sled thing that you sit on on a slide that goes alllllll the way down the mountains and like over a bridge...it was kind of freaky but it was sooooooooo much fun. I can't wait to show you guys pictures but i have no way to get them on the computer!!
We went to an orphanage for blind children yesterday and had a huge water fight and we are going back tomorrow. I cant wait! :-) We are having a blast and everyone is getting along soo well. Half of us went on a bike ride through the village today and it was gorgeous and we had a blast. The weather was beautiful today. The workers here are so nice too. i love it here and i am so thankful that God has allowed me to come here. We are staying in these huts that have bugs in them but its ok...:-) The huts are right outside the foster home so we are with all these cute little kids in the mornings and then we usually go somewhere in the afternoon. We are actually in a very rural area. we are about an hour away from the city area but we are kind of in but somewhat outside this really cute little village. Mosquitos are bad but we are great! I love you guys!!! I will try and email again soon.
Praying for you and all of those with you and most of all for each and every precious soul that you meet, and hold, and rock, and cuddle....!!
May the Lord use each of you in a wonderful way to touch these lives. Have Fun!!
-Mrs. C
Ellie, that is awesome! It sounds like you are having a great time!! Is the blind foster home Bethel? What city are you in? I know that Bethel used to be in Langfang but has moved out of the city towards Tianjin by Shepherd's Field Children's Village. Keep having an amazing time!!! I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back but for now, just have an awesome time!!! =D
You are the most awesome 14 year old girl I know..
Okay, you can't STILL be in China...at least we hope not! Please, please, please...let us know you're home. So Corinne will stop praying for "Mih Eh-wee on her twip". :) ~The Freelands
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