The Lord laid Uganda on my heart about two years ago. I began praying that the Lord would take me there someday and allow me to serve the Ugandan people.
I had no idea then what Uganda looked like, where it was on a map or how incredible it’s people actually are.
May 28th, 2010 My brother and I along with 16 others from our group arrived at Entebbe International airport in Kampala, Uganda after 20 plus hours of travel. Most people would have arrived feeling grungy and gross after such a long time sitting in airports and on planes and traipsing about London. Not me. Was it because I was just so excited to be in Uganda? No, not really. My friend and I tracked down a shower in the Kenyan airport and with a three ounce bottle of shampoo, a few paper towels and hand dryers, we managed to become the best smelling people on our team.
As our plane was descending, you could see lush green trees everywhere and even a few monkeys in palm trees. It was surreal. There were men on Boda-boda’s, or motor bikes, driving down orange dirt roads with bananas strapped on the backs. It was the most beautiful place I’d ever flown into. I couldn’t wait to get off the plane.
Finally, we made it through customs, found our bags, and met up with our in-country hosts. They were so warm and loving and excited to see us. They weren’t the only things that were warm though. We stepped out from the airport and slammed into a wall of African heat. It felt just like summertime in North Carolina…Hot.
We piled into a greyhound type bus with Chinese lettering all over it and began our adventures in Uganda. Along the road to Kampala, there are banana trees, little mud houses and small children running around. Colorful clotheslines that go beautifully with the green trees, orange roads and houses. Men are outside making furniture to sell and people are napping under trees. My full blown excitement to be in this place that I had prayed for so long was just about bursting forth.

Soon I would see the true beauty of this place. I would see a living picture of the true beauty of Christ. It is truly like light shining out of the darkness. The beauty of Christ is among these people despite their circumstances. Despite Malaria, HIV, poverty and the scars of war, Christ is visibly working in lives and people are truly living. Soon I would see just how much God means it when He says He can bring beauty up out of the ashes of our lives when we allow Him to work. The Lord would use Uganda to shake my soul yet again and change me forever.
lovely. just lovely how God speaks to our spirit to carry out a journey that couldn't be constructed by man.
Ellie, your words capture what we saw so well..... God really shook us all in Uganda.
Looking forward to more.. and I gotta blog too myself :)
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