Guatemala is amazing. I just spent a week with the most amazing team, working with the most amazing kids at the most amazing children's home in the world. The culture is like none other and the food....oh the amazing food. So needless to say it was amazing. I learned SO much and Guatemala and the kids I met there will forever be in my heart. I saw God in a whole new way and learned more about Love than I knew there was to learn. I'm hoping to be able to post more about the actual trip when I get back from TN next week.
I became an aunt again the day I left for Guatemala!! She was born after I had already arrived in Guatemala so I didn't even know about her until she was almost a week old. I met her on Saturday and she is beautiful!! Her name is Cana Naomi Pearce and I love her so much already. Check her out
My brother graduated from the fire academy while I was gone and is officially a firefighter!! I'm so proud of him. My big brother is so cool. You leave my house for a week and you miss all kinds of huge monumental things. It's really quite annoying. Click
here for some pictures of my super cool, bald brother.
Here are some pictures from Guatemala for now and a slideshow is coming soon!
A sweet family in the town outside the orphanage.

Gina, dear sweet Gina whom I love. Gina, Rachel and I were work project buddies at the orphanage. They make weeding flower beds along the driveway of the home the most fun thing you could ever possibly do.

A fun day at Lake Atitlan...we took an hour long boat ride across this amazing lake that is surrounded by volcanoes and we went shopping. It was awesome.
Rachel and I. Oh how I love Rachel. We are traveling buddies.

A super awesome waterfall we hiked to...
Paige whom I love. She is going with me to TN to Precepts Camp in two days. We are sharing a life this summer. :)

One of the many gorgeous views from Agua Viva

Cesar, my love. Also known as the cutest ninja in the world.

Oswaldo. Sweetest kid on the planet.

Jefrin and Cesar...

Kevin and I...

Alvaro and Kevin. My Guatemalan Bff's.

My favorite kid in Guatemala by far. Alex. Alex has changed my life.

Lea, Me and my baby boy.

David enjoying every last bite of his peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
This was the sweetest thing ever. We made like 100+ PB&J sandwiches on our game day for the kids as a special treat and it was sooo sweet. I will never forget it. The kids LOVE PB&J. Something we eat as a last resort was priceless to them. They take it apart and lick the filling off both sides... and then eat the bread... and then lick their fingers. It was so cute.
David and his brother Jefferson have mad skills. They were both on my team for Soccer and we won every game. They are awesome.

Sweet little ones from Casa Samuel...Alex, Alvaro, Elisabeth and Kevin.

Our team was wonderful. There were 20 of us. Most of them I have known almost my whole life but there were a few that I didn't know before the trip. Everyone got along so well and worked as a team wonderfully. There was a sense of unity that can only come from being in Christ. It was truly awesome and I am so thankful for every person that was on the trip. It was evident that God had every single person there for a reason and I was so blessed to be one of them.
you got great pictures of your time there, loved seeing it through your eyes. those kids are so precious.
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