Ok, so last time I updated this I had applied to go back to China with Shaohannah's Hope. Well, I applied...and so did 50 other people. I am soooo excited that so many people wanted to go meet those precious kids! They decided to let a new group go and I agree with them 100%. I am so excited for the new team and I hope they have as much of an amazing time as our team last year did. After that, I figured that I would just stay home this summer because every time a door would open for a trip, it would close again for one reason or another. I still felt like I was supposed to do something with my summer though. Well, the solution to that came a few weeks ago when I heard about a trip that a group of close friends were taking to Guatemala to work in an orphanage this June! I prayed about it and emailed the team leader who told me to book my ticket, they still had room and the airfare was AMAZING! So the day after hearing about this trip my dad was booking my ticket! Not only that... my dad had a voucher for Delta that expired three days from the time he was booking my ticket and so I got a discount off the already discounted ticket! Talk about God going above and beyond. :) I am still amazed by it. We are going with a group to stay at an orphanage in Guatemala for a week and help out down there with projects as well as hang out with the kids. I can not wait to meet those kiddos. It's going to be an awesome trip. (On a cool side note. My sister visited the same orphanage when she was my age!)
Rachel is totally one of my bff's now but her and I met last summer on our China trip. She has two siblings adopted from Guatemala and her brother looks like he could be a third twin to my brothers. Seriously. Jeremiah saw a picture of Will (her brother) and he said "I don't remember wearing this hat. When was i wearing this hat?" He thought that Will was himself. Enough said. :) One of my other awesome bff's Paige is also going and I am soo excited!! Please pray that God would use us to minister to the kids and the workers down there and that we would bring honor and glory to Him! Picture time... Left to Right: Jeremiah ( using drastic measures to keep Keren looking at the camera), Josiah (being squished.), Keren (being a booger causing Jer to loose focus and have to sacrifice looking at the camera for the sake of the greater good. ), James (I'm sure he was doing something.) and Keziah (sporting the best "cheese" face that is physically possible for a two year old.)

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