(I do believe I need to work on my paraphrasing skills.)
Fact: Today at breakfast, I ate the most delicious banana I have ever tasted in all my days.

Today we went to Gaba Community Church and picked up some volunteers from Gaba Youth. Martin's been with us since they got us from the airport but we went and picked up Angela, Eddie, Sylvia, Ivan, Andrew and Ms. Mary. They are hilarious and SO much fun.
We got to give out a few mosquito nets today in some of the villages after eating lunch at The Kasirey's house in Namasujju. It was delish. The people are all so lovely here and so beautiful! The kids are just SO precious!

There was a pretty big rainstorm and the roads became super muddy. We decided to walk the rest of the way to see the next well site. {Red dirt roads become Slip'N'Slide's after rain storms.} It's so exciting to see a little plot of ground that will bring forth life to so many people soon. I can hardly wait for them to have it.

Sadly, as we were walking to the well site, there were about three thousand and five flying ants buzzing around us at any given moment. In the hair, mouth, nose; everywhere. It. Was. Not-so-Awesome. The blondes on the team had the lovely advantage of visibility of the said bugs in hair. I love my brown hair when it comes to bug infestations. If I have ants in my hair, you can't even see them. ha! Also, if you run backwards with a scarf on your face, you can hardly tell that you are surrounded by bugs and they stay out of your mouth. But try not to run if it has just rained. Slip'N'Slide roads are not ideal for running.
We were going to distribute some more nets while we were out except there were no people around. Everyone was gone. Where were they? At a wedding! What did we become? Ugandan Wedding Crashers! It was the most exciting walk on a slippery orange road ever in my whole life. We showed up and the kids were laughing and yelling and so excited. Some of the older village men invited us to come speak. Matt got to share with them about the Well Dedication being held tomorrow at the Kasirey's house where we will be distributing more nets. We left enough with the village chief to distribute to the widows who would not be able to make the long walk to Namasujju tomorrow.
On the walk to the wedding today though,{the slippery one.} Matt began to tell me about the internship coming up next year. I am SO excited about it and can't wait to email home to mom and dad about it. Haha. How ironic. I've been praying for You to make your next steps clear for me Lord and You present this as I'm sliding and slipping and nearly dying all over a road. You direct my paths, even when they seem slippery to me. You hold my hand and you see every bump on the path. You are faithful to see me through! I'm so excited to see You continue to lead me where you will have me serve. Your will is the only place for me to be.
:)) GOD is so awesome that way, isn't He?!
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