Some of our Show Hope group at the Summer Palace in Beijing......

The Great Wall...

Driving in China....much more organized than in Ethiopia but still a little hectic...:)

The Forbidden City

Touring was fun, but it wasn't half as fun as spending time with these amazing kids...
Justin, a precious hidden treasure of God...
Some of the children from Bethel, a home for blind orphans, who were singing for us. Rebekah was playing the guitar!! Some of these kids play the piano and the guitar and they do so many things that would be challenging to people who can see! They are amazing kids and even though they can't physically see I think they see things better than many of us do.
Children at an orphanage in Luoyang who have Cerebral Palsy. .precious, precious kids...
We celebrated Christmas in July with the older kids in Luoyang... We got to take about 40 of them to KFC for lunch and we got to take them to the park. It was a blast and we really got to know the kids better. It was probably one of my favorite things we did the whole time in China.
We had three Christmas tress and made ornaments to decorate them with...
This is Michael. God used this little boy to speak to my heart probably more so than any other child I met on the trip. My heart broke for this little boy and I will forever remember him and love him.
Home sweet home...we stayed in a village about an hour outside of Beijing in "Yurts" or Mongolian style huts. They were outside of Hope Healing Home which was our 'base' of sorts while in China......

A sweet little boy with Cerebral Palsy....I loved him.

Precious little ones showing us their artwork.

Me and Henry, one of my favorite little boys in the whole wide world. He is hilarious.

These kids were singing Jesus Loves Me in Mandarin, they live at Agape House and they have brittle bones disease. They are so amazing...
What an amazing opportunity!! I love all of the pictures of these precious kids.
Thank you so much for sharing your pictures! Glad you are home safely from China. It looks like you had an amazing trip. Seeing the pictures of the kids just warms my heart. I'm glad you were able to spend some time with them!
Thanks for sharing your trip! It looks like you met a lot of great kids & had lots of great experiences! The Yurts look really neat!
LOVED these Ellie! Thanks for sharing. I am so glad the Lord got to use the heart's he's built into you of love and joy in children to be a blessing to these kids! I pray God continues to use your life and teach you about himself. Love ya!
Ellie - thanks for sharing your trip pictures and stories. I can't wait to hear more about it. You are a wonderful, caring person and we love you! - Aunt Cyndee
Wow! What great pics! It looks like you had a GREAT time!
What an awesome trip, Ellie!! Thank you for sharing your pictures!!! I love China and Langfang! :) It looks like you had an awesome time!!!! I see you went to Agape House, that is awesome!! The people who run it are great friends of ours and Sarah Lu was fostered there for 5 months before she came home. :)
Love you Ellie and are so proud of you...thanks for sharing the pics.
Hey Ellie,
Welcome back! So glad that the trip was so great. The pictures are amazing. You have certainly seen so much over this past year or so! God is so good isn't He?!
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