Sometimes, we put jackets on multiple people and then make music videos. Please enjoy Josiah's facial expressions as much as I did.{Go to sidebar playlist and hit pause for full effect.}
Josiah's Face.
Ellie's Hands.
James as back-up dancer/ninja?
Glimpses of Jeremiah as photographer.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Kung Fu Fighting
Posted by Ellie at 11:03 PM 1 comments
Life Lately...
Hey Friends and Families.
How are you?
I hope you are doing marvelously well and are getting excited for Christmas! I'm just kidding. It's not really time for that yet, but I'm excited all the same. (I have been listening to Christmas music quite a bit already... but don't tell anyone.)
Here's a few pictures from my phone...Sorry about the lighting being weird in basically everysingleoneofthem.
It was so Autumn-y! Breathtaking views for 10 hours in the car made it seem soo much shorter. {mostly.}

Posted by Ellie at 10:57 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Facts of the Day:
1. Nothing is predictable in this life. Nothing.
2. I know the one who plans my future and He is trustworthy.
3. God opens doors that I didn't know were there.
4. God knew the details all along. The Ever-Changing details are in the hands of a Never-Changing God.
5. He knows the next thing that I won't predict as well.
6. Life is so much more than the words I speak and you, he, she, it, speaks.
7. Hard is ok. Impossible is non-existent.
8. God knows. He knows it all. Everything is His. And He is good.
9. Life's not about me... No its not. Its not. Its not. Its not. Too bad I forget all the time.
10. I have time to use wisely. and I don't have time to use it foolishly.
11. If my "normal" is never my "normal" again, I can trust God to be faithful in the new "normal" that He brings, the same way He is faithful now.
12 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...( most frequently used sound in my vocabulary.)
Psalm 90:1,12,16-17
1Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations.
2Before the mountains were born
Or You gave birth to the earth and the world,
Even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God.
12So teach us to number our days,
That we may present to You a heart of wisdom.
16Let Your work appear to Your servants
And Your majesty to their children.
17Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us;
And confirm for us the work of our hands;
Yes, confirm the work of our hands.
Posted by Ellie at 8:56 PM 3 comments
Monday, October 11, 2010
i am severely comfortable. for three more months.
I live in the cutest town in the world with the best family in the world. The food is good, the friends are the very greatest, the neighborhood is perfect (except for the one house of drug dealing neighbors...ehh.) Southeastern is the best school, I have the best Taekwondo School, the best Church, the best Goodberry's ice cream, the best Chickfila. The cute ladies at the bank know my name and ask me about my life. No matter where I go, I see friends or meet someone who knows at least someone in my family. It is so unbelievably homey here. I am well loved, well fed, and well clothed.
If you want to go anywhere or do anything (providing its a small town type of thing...), it is five minutes from my house. You wanna go to the coolest old farm-turned-into-a-park? Turn left. You wanna go eat Chinese food? Turn right. Wanna go to the library? Go straight. Wanna go to the best thrift store ever? Turn left. Wanna go to the farmer's market or hear a little Irish man sing songs? Go straight on Saturday. {Just don't go too late or the Irish man will be replaced by the belly dancers...which are just plain creepy.}

I love this place. I always knew I'd be leaving someday to be a missionary in a far off land or something along those lines. I just expected 'someday' to be somewhere around five years from now. Not three months from now. I always expected to leave my family and friends and comforts at some point, but I didn't expect it to be so soon, or this bittersweet.

Who the heck would ever want to leave this place?
Who in their right mind would leave, when they could stay?
It is so comfortable. It is so warm and fuzzy. Sure there are problems, and things that get annoying, and there are rude people (probably only 3.) But in the grand scheme of things, this is a goodgoodgood place to live life.
Why the heck am I leaving?
Why the heck am I leaving my family, and my friends, and my poodle, and my bed, and my cute little town?
When I was in Uganda and had just heard about this internship, I was praying for God to show me His will on whether or not I should even consider going. Whether or not I should consider leaving everything so much sooner than I had planned to leave it. My family that I love so much. My friends.You know, especially since I was gonna go off and be a missionary after school and all. Anyways, here is what I looked down to see on the page of my Bible:
"Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." -Matthew 10:36-39
Oh hey, Ellie. Guess what? Lame excuses.
Christ didn't give me life, and then save my life, to have me do that which I deem worthy. I live for a greater purpose than comfort. I live so that others may know Christ and live as well.
This whole thing sounds pretty foolish if it was merely my idea to pick up and move to another state in my senior year of highschool. However, I know that this wasn't my idea. I know that the God who holds my life in His hands has a goodgoodgood plan for me, and my family, and my friends. And if that plan involves me leaving, then that has to be good.
I've been around a bit , but I've always come back home after a few weeks. It just hit me a few days ago that a year is a long time. Especially when you thought you knew what you would be doing, and all of a sudden, there is this massive thing on the radar thats going to take up a year of your life. Even though it is an amazing thing, it is still going to be a hard thing.
There is a quote that keeps coming to my mind when I start to count up the cost of following Jesus in this next year of life though...
"He is no fool that gives that which He cannot keep, to attain that which He cannot lose."- Jim Elliot
This is not my forever home. I am not alive so that I can be comfortable. I am alive to bring glory to my creator. I am alive to love Him and to share the good news of His son with the world.
I am excited to be transplanted. I know that God is going to show Himself to be my El Shaddai - all sufficient one - more and more with each day. This is the part where Jesus gets to be my very best friend. This is the part where I get to see Him holding my hand and walking me through the good, the bad, and the ugly parts.
I'm choosing to trust. I'm choosing to obey. I'm trading in fear and worries and comfort and norms and all that
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen.
I'm gonna miss a whole lot of this...
So...bring it Tennessee. I've got Jesus and Skype.
Posted by Ellie at 1:19 AM 7 comments
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
fall break, fall pictures, mmm mmm good.
Fall Break = Work Productivity
I LOVE fall break. I have gotten so many things done this week, it's not even funny. I think we should have fall break all year long.
On Monday, I repainted/redecorated my bathroom/broke the toilet with the cord from my lamp. {lame? yes.}
On Tuesday, I sewed cool things, and then sparred with people, and then we got the toilet replaced.
And today, I decorated our house for fall, finished the bathroom decorating, and wrote a song on my lovely ol' piano.
And I still have three more days of fall break...yesss. I need to make another list of things to do.
Here are a few shots from our family photoshoot! If you have jealousy issues, you may not want to look at these pictures of my cute family.
Posted by Ellie at 11:17 AM 2 comments