Thank you SO much for all of your prayers and support! I am so excited and can not believe that we are leaving tomorrow! We will be posting on these two blogs while we are away: Thank you so much for your encouragement! I feel so well prayed for and I am so thankful for you all. Please continue to pray for us and check the blogs for updates!Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Kerennie and Me.
Lady: "Is she your daughter?" Me: "No, she's my little sister." Lady:"OH, ok. I could tell yall were related. You look a lot alike. you have the same eyes and mouth!" Me: "Oh really? That's so awesome! Thanks so much!" Lady: "Yep. Same eyes and mouth." I decided that telling her Keren was adopted from Africa wasn't necessary. I wish I had Keren's eyes and mouth though. fo reals.
--------------------------------------------- Jeremiah's quote of the day: "Ellie please take this and do not give it to Keziah...She kill me with it." (insert crazy eyebrow face here.) Needless to say, I took the plastic orange away. :) -------------------------------------------- I'm going to miss these precious boogers SO bad while I'm in Uganda!! Just four more days!Posted by Ellie at 10:43 AM 1 comments
It's not often that you share a bunkbed with someone in Africa and run into them at a party in America.
(Eyob, far left and Josiah is second to last on the right with the sippy cup.)
Sweet miracles of adoption. Both these little boys started out their lives in Ethiopia and now it turns out that God has brought them to the same area, of the same state, on the other side of the world. Amazing.
Josiah has been talking about this all week now. His "Ee-tyo-pya fwend" is in America just like him. Our God is the God who heals. He sent his son to set the captives free and bind up even the tiniest broken hearts. This little boy's heart is being healed over and over again and it's so lovely to see.
Posted by Ellie at 10:18 AM 3 comments
Thursday, May 13, 2010
I leave for Uganda...In less than two weeks.
My team and I leave for Uganda on May 26th! Less than two weeks from now!
The time has flown by and I have watched the Lord provide in miraculous ways for this trip. The way he brought all of the team together as well as all of the resources- it’s been an incredible faith journey already and we haven’t even left for Uganda yet! I just wanted to thank you all from the deepest parts of my heart for your generous gifts and your willingness to be a part of this exciting journey that God has me on right now. You have all blessed and encouraged me SO much with your prayers, generosity, and sweet words of encouragement.
I can not express my thanks enough! Your gifts have been instrumental in the following things that we will be doing in Uganda:
We will be giving out much needed mosquito nets, holding hygiene clinics to train people how to clean their water jugs and prepare them for NEW CLEAN WATER!
We will be dedicating a new well that will be providing clean water for hundreds of people, we will be holding fun filled game days in orphanages, we will also be volunteering in a baby orphanage, building a structure for the local Church to meet in and much more!
We would greatly appreciate your prayers as we embark on this journey. Prayer Requests:
· That we would have the complete unity as a team that only comes with Christ.
· The Lord would use us to impact those we meet in Uganda for HIS kingdom.
· For willingness in each of us to be used by God, no matter the cost.
· The Lord would work mightily in each team member’s heart and life.
· That we would show each and every precious orphan we meet that they are loved and valued by us... But most importantly, by their Creator.
· For health while we are there.
· For our families at home.
· Please pray that this two week trip wouldn’t just be a two week trip- please pray that it changes MANY lives with an eternal impact, the lives of those in Uganda, those on the team and even the families and friends of the team members when they return. May the Lord work wonders!
Thank you SO much for your part in this! I love you all!
I would love for you all to follow us on our trip blog and see what the Lord is doing over the two weeks that we will be there. You have all been such a huge part of getting us to Uganda, I’d love for you to be able to see some of the impact of your gifts!
P.S. You can also pray that I will acquire an African Accent and magically turn brown. Muchas Gracias.
Posted by Ellie at 4:30 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Soo..Prom was amazing. Our theme was Vincent Van Gogh's "A Starry Night". Our table cloths were navy blue silk with giant yellow twinkling center pieces. (cool shaped vases with yellow easter grass in yellow- food- coloring- dyed- water, and waterproof tea-lights. I wish i had a picture because I just made them sound pretttyyy weird. they were fantastic in real life, I promise.)

Posted by Ellie at 10:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Best Prom ever? I think yes.
Prom is this Friday and it is going to be the greatest prom ever. Why? Because the prom committee came up with the best idea that anyone ever came up with.
They said "Hmmm. Why not turn prom into an orphan awareness event/fundraiser?" So that's what they did. This is why they are my friends. Partially because of their amazing hearts for Jesus, partially because they love orphans and partially just because they are cool. I'll be sure to give an update sometime this weekend on it's amazing-ness. P.S. We leave for Uganda three weeks from today. Excited? You can bet your britches I am.Posted by Ellie at 1:01 AM 1 comments