Etaala's first trip is coming up oh-so very fast! I am so much more excited than your average excited person. We're partnering with the awesome folks at Safewater Nexus and will spending two weeks (end of May- beginning of June) serving at a children's village for orphans, a baby home and several other amazing projects.
God has hand picked each team member and I'm so excited to be working with them to serve precious people in Uganda. I'm so excited to hear all that God did to enable each person to come on the trip. I can't wait to see what God is going to do during this trip. I can't wait to see what God is going to do through this trip in our lives and the lives of those we come in contact with in Uganda. I pray that we will be forever changed and that we will truly impact lives for Christ!
(I wish i had a cool Ugandan-y picture to put here that i actually took. You and I shall just have to wait for that though. Pretty soon.)
On an American note...the weather has been simply delightful here this weekend and we had a lovely day at the park yesterday. and today. :)

On an awkward note. Apparently Joyner's Park thinks little boys don't need to pee in the winter time.