A year ago this Thanksgiving we were in Ethiopia getting Josiah, Keren and Keziah. I am so thankful for them and what God has done to our hearts through them! They are precious gifts and we love them soooooo much! I am so Thankful for God's saving grace. I am so thankful for each an everyone in my crazy, huge, loud family. I am so thankful for my 5 sibling's birthparents and the sacrifices they made for their children and for chosing to give them all the gift of life. I am especially thankful for one very special woman. Her name is Tigist and we spent last Thanksgiving with her. She is the most unselfish person I have ever met, she has gone through more than is even imaginable and has sacrificed so much because of the love she has for her children. Last Thanksgiving was one of the hardest, most emotional days of my life and I am forever grateful for her and her loving sacrifice. She will always be in my and my family's hearts. I am thankful for Tigist.
Monday, November 24, 2008
I Am Thankful.
Posted by Ellie at 8:35 PM 3 comments
Shaohannah's Hope Fundraiser
The Shaohannah's Hope weekend was an awesome time of fellowship and it was so awesome to see how God is working in peoples' hearts all over the country and awakening us to care for the orphan. Shaohannah's Hope is such a blessing to so many people around the world and with out them, we would not have our precious Ethiopian babies! I went to China in June with Shaohannah's Hope as well and a lot of the girls from our China team were there! It was so great to see them again! We got to help out with all the set up and 'behind the scenes' stuff and it was so much fun.
A little more than half of our team made it to TN for the weekend and we had a blast! We missed our other China girls though!!
My parents doing an awesome job sharing our testimony...:)

Posted by Ellie at 6:26 PM 2 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I met this amazing little boy in China when I was there in July and the Lord just spoke to my heart so much through him while I was there. My heart just broke for this child and I truly began to see and feel more closely the pain of orphans and it broke me. I have cried over the bleak hope the world prescribes for his future and then I remembered that God says in Jeremiah 29:11 that He has a plan full of hope for each of our futures, a plan to prosper us and not to harm us. It makes my heart glad to serve such an awesome God!
Please join me in praying for this sweet little boy's life and all of the other children around the world with similar stories. I truly can not wait for that day! I pray that I will be able to go back someday soon and see his sweet little self again.
Its so very different just hearing about orphans and meeting these amazing kids and begin to bond with them. I will never forget Michael's sweet face. It is truly humbling and heartbreaking. It makes me cling to the promise in John 14:18 When Jesus says "I will not leave you as orphans but I will come to you..." He meant that for all of us and I truly believe that one day Jesus will return and the word orphan will be erased from our vocabulary forever and all will made right. My heart is broken for the plight of these kids and I truly want to be Jesus to them in showing them His love throughout my life.
Well last week I mailed a package to him and it already made it to China!! My friend sent me pictures of him opening it too!! Isn't he just too precious?!
Posted by Ellie at 1:06 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Something Changed
Adoption has changed our lives forever and we will never be the same! Thank you God for your precious gifts!
Posted by Ellie at 8:59 PM 4 comments
Nashville Here We Come!
We are heading to Nashville this Thursday for the Shaohannah's Hope fundraiser weekend! My parents will be speaking about our adoption story on Saturday. Not only that but most of the girls that I went to China with will be there as well!! Im sooo excited to see them! One of the girls, Julee is actually flying in on Thursday, driving to TN with my family and coming back to stay with me for another whole week! Haha..she will certainly know my family by the time the ten hour ride to Nashville is over... God has actually called Julee to move to China as a result of going on the Show Hope trip and so she will be moving there to work with the orphans that we visited! Im a little jealous..haha.
Here is a picture of La Familia and also the Ethiopian babes taken a few days ago by the lovely Melissa Pearce.
The Twinettes weren't feelin' it...haha.
Posted by Ellie at 7:11 PM 2 comments