Today Josiah, Keziah and Keren saw snow for the very first time! We got about six inches of it and it made for an awesome day of fun. We went sledding in the backyard and played oustide for a few hours and then we all came in and had soup and sandwiches by the fireplace. Papa got to come home early from work...he happened to hit a tree on the way home but its all good. Just a bit of a smashed headlight/dentage thank the Lord. :)
Jonathan started the fire academy the snow. The one time it snows here...haha. So he came home limping and freezing today. :) But it was a great day of family fun had by all...well except maybe not so much Jonathan. We finished it off by letting the boys watch the movie Transformers and they loved it. We love snow days!
Gettin our game-faces on...haha

Which is which? I'm not so sure ;)
Siah the sled master.
One half of the yard...we actually went sledding in our next door neighbor's yard to avoid the smashing of small children against the fence. Although the boys would have found that awesome, we opted to use the un-used/un-fenced yard.
Kez loves the snow. And just my thoughts here but uhh...her snow bib..thing..should have been layed to rest in 1995. But hey, she rocks it. :)
Siah's lovin it.
Keren is not so sure.
"I've fallen and I can't get up"
Kez has the snowball fight thing all figured out.

Aww. :)

An attempt at getting a group picture of the littles. Haha, they weren't feelin it.
About 15 minutes after we came in...

Ohh yes. :)